The Legacy Linux and Windows Hosting Products offered by KOTAKALONG DOT COM have been deprecated w.e.f. April 16, 2013. The below changes have come into effect due to this deprecation:
KOTAKALONG DOT COM will continue to support Legacy cPanel Linux and Plesk Windows Hosting Orders. You can manage/renew these Orders as usual.
Control Panel
Customer Control Panel: The Web Hosting option under the Quick Links -> Add New Order section has been removed.
Reseller Control Panel: The Products -> Web Hosting -> Buy sub-menu has been removed.
The API Add Order call will throw an exception if the Plan category is linux_hosting_plan or windows_hosting_plan.
Note -
The API Modify/Upgrade Order call will be processed only if the new Plan category is websitebuilder_plan or email_plan.
The new Plan category can be linux_hosting_plan only if the current Plan category is linux_hosting_plan. Similarly, the new Plan category can be windows_hosting_plan only if the current Plan category is windows_hosting_plan. In all other cases, an exception will be thrown if the new Plan category is linux_hosting_plan or windows_hosting_plan.
The Web Hosting section will not display any Plans for the Legacy Linux and Windows Hosting Products.
A Linux Web Hosting Plan can only be switched to another Linux Web Hosting Plan. Similarly, a Windows Web Hosting Plan can only be switched to another Windows Web Hosting Plan.
You can switch from an existing Website Builder Plan to another Website Builder Plan or an Only Email Hosting Plan.
You can switch from an existing Email hosting Plan to another Email Hosting Plan or a Website Builder Plan.